

Total scoreLoyalist rankGalactic awardLast man standingResearcherManagerEconomistExplorerPopulistConqueror

Total score ranking

Complex evaluation of the player activities based on all games, even those he actually lost. This value best represents the effort and passion one puts into this lovely game.

1 admin26654
2 4axx20091
3 tizi14157
4 7A1312112
5 9A185000
6 cadetpaul2604095
7 200147984019
8 timkuijlen4019
9 godashmaster4016
10 pualijie4015
11 classiccoal4013
12 04894003
13 21541334000
14 Meep4000
15 hceba4000
16 t55844000
17 yebonik4694000
18 gavin4000
19 Tester3201
20 7A123054
21 8A033000
22 Zlatica2000
23 tester21283
24 9A031000
25 9C181000
26 gipaolo403
27 Docksrat140
28 archaniel77752
29 Ironcrown37
30 colonize11
31 minnichd2410
32 Auresia9
33 TropicalLamb5
34 PayaTamba3
35 Nevarez2
36 sebastianabb1
37 mangdrai1
38 chrisocak1
39 krueger1
40 customergdyr1
41 ferdinand1
42 sammybroberg1
43 noalt1
44 kouller1